Learn Danish for free

Most Danes speak English quite well. Nevertheless, being able to speak some Danish will always benefit you personally, socially and favours you to get a job.

Learn Danish for free

As an international student or employee in Denmark you can take Danish language lessons free of charge. To sign up you need a Danish CPR number (i.e. ID number).

Online Danish courses

If you have a Danish CPR number, free Danish courses are often available as an online activity at language school. Courses are targeted at both beginners and those who already have some knowledge of the Danish language. Students can use them to reach a good level of Danish proficiency or as a supplement to ongoing language education. Examples of these on-line courses are Danish Online studies at IA Sprog and Learn Danish online with the Copenhagen Language Center - both of whom offer courses as online long distance learning.
Free Danish courses at higher education institutions
Many Danish higher education institutions offer intensive Danish language courses at the beginning of the academic year or as a part of a summer university programme. To learn more, contact the International Office at your Danish host institution.
Learn Danish in your home country
Danish courses are taught at several universities around the world. The Danish Cultural Institute also offers Danish language courses to foreign university students through their branches abroad. The Danish Embassy or Consulate in your home country can also help you locate opportunities to learn Danish near where you live. And some Danish Language Schools also offer Danish as an online course (e.g. Netdansk).

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